

Dojran is a historic city located in the southeastern part of North Macedonia, nestled on the shores of Dojran Lake. This stunning lake was once home to as many as 18,000 inhabitants, but was destroyed during the First World War. Today, the Macedonian side of the lake is home to three settlements: Nov and Star Dojran and Nikolic, with a combined population of over 4,000.

Star Dojran, located on the western part of the lake, is a settlement with a rich tourist-recreational function. Visitors can find a number of holiday homes and 40 hotels and other accommodation facilities along the coast. Additionally, several modern casinos and over 600 weekend cottages are available for visitors to relax and unwind in this beautiful destination.

Legend has it that a very beautiful girl named Dojrana once lived in the settlement. An Ottoman bey fell in love with her and asked her parents for permission to marry her, even though Dojrana did not love him. One day, while fetching water from a spring, the bey noticed her and ran towards her. Running away from him, Dojrana threw herself into the spring. The next morning, the spring had expanded and flooded the whole place, becoming a lake. In honor of the beautiful girl, the lake was named Dojransko, and the settlement Dojran.

The lake is famous for its fish specialties, especially perch and rudd. The most famous recipe is fish on a reed. This specialty involves wrapping the fish around a reed and placing it on a grill. The reed protects the fish while it is grilled, prevents it from burning, and gives it an unusual aroma. This dish is often prepared with a rudd and is best served with a white wine such as smederevka or zhilavka.

The surroundings of Dojran Lake offer a unique Mediterranean climate that can’t be found anywhere else in the country. The lake’s openness to the south and low altitude (148 meters) cause the average annual water temperature to be around 15-18 degrees, and in the summer, it can reach as high as 25-27 degrees. With an area of 43.1 km2, it is the smallest tectonic lake in the country, and at the same time, the most shallow one – with a maximum depth of 10 meters. It is a relic remains of the Pleocene Peon Lake and is rich in phytoplankton and zooplankton, making it a prime location for fishing enthusiasts. There are about 15 species of fish in the lake.

The summers are hot and dry, while the winters are mild and wet. The abundance of endemic algal species living in the lake allows visitors to breathe in iodine. Additionally, visitors should not miss the opportunity to apply a bit of the lake’s healing mud on themselves. If you’re looking for a place to rest and find serenity, surrounded by a unique Mediterranean setting and the beauty of the environment, Dojran is the perfect destination for you.

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