The trip organizer guarantees the fulfillment of the arrangement as per the program description. The content of the arrangement will be provided in its entirety and as described, unless unforeseeable “force majeure” circumstances occur (such as war, terrorist actions, strikes, natural disasters, transportation-related issues, or similar technical problems).



The application and agreement for the travel should be made until all available spots are filled, along with an advance payment of the specified price for each individual program. Applications can be submitted at DTTU Via Egnatia agencies or any other authorized agency that sells the programs.


Upon registration, the buyer is required to pay a 40% advance of the total arrangement cost. The remaining amount must be paid after the reservation is confirmed by the reservation service, no later than 15 days before the commencement of the arrangement. If the passenger fails to make the additional payment within the specified deadline, the organizer will consider it as a cancellation of the arrangement and charge cancellation fees as outlined in Article 6 – “the passenger’s right to cancel the trip.”


During registration, the passenger must sign a registration agreement that includes the statement: “I declare that I am familiar with the program and the General Conditions of Travel, and I fully accept them!” This declaration makes the General Conditions of Travel binding for both the organizer and the passenger.



The prices for all trips are stated in Denars or Euros, with the requirement to pay in Denars at the prevailing market exchange rate published by the organizer. Any request for additional services will incur additional charges. The organizer reserves the right to modify the price of the arrangement in the event of changes in hotel prices, transportation costs, and other services, as well as fluctuations in exchange rates in the market.

A price increase of up to 10% does not require the buyer’s consent (it is calculated based on the remaining payment). If there is an increase of more than 10%, the buyer has the right to terminate the contract without being obliged to compensate for damages resulting from the termination.



The provided hotels and apartments are described based on the official categorization at the time of catalog issuance. The quality of services is standardized by local tourist authorities. Accommodation and service standards vary across destinations and are not comparable. The organizer does not assume responsibility for any verbal or written information that is not in accordance with the description of services in the offered program.



The organizer has the right to modify the program (in terms of duration or content) in the event of force majeure or unforeseen extraordinary circumstances that could not have been predicted, prevented, or eliminated. In such cases, the travel participant is entitled to a refund for the services not provided.


In rare cases where it is not possible to accommodate the traveler in the reserved facility due to technical reasons or hotel “overbooking,” the organizer will arrange alternative accommodation of the same or higher category, without any additional compensation.


The organizer reserves the right to postpone or cancel the arrangement if there is an insufficient number of registered passengers, as required for a specific arrangement. The organizer is obligated to notify all buyers about the cancellation at least 5 days prior to the scheduled start of the arrangement and to refund the full amount paid within 8 days from the date of cancellation, at the latest.



The passenger can cancel the trip at any time and must do so in writing. The date of the written cancellation serves as the basis for calculating and collecting cancellation costs (based on the basic price of the arrangement), according to the following scale:


  • For cancellation up to 30 days before the trip, 5% of the total price is charged.
  • For cancellation from 29 to 22 days before the trip, 10% of the total price is charged.
  • For cancellation from 21 to 15 days before the trip, 20% of the total price is charged.
  • For cancellation from 14 to 08 days before the trip, 50% of the total price is charged.
  • For cancellation from 07 to 01 days before the trip, 90% of the total price is charged.
  • If the passenger fails to show up or cancels the arrangement on the day of its implementation, the organizer will charge the full amount of the arrangement, i.e., 100% of the total price.
  • In the case of canceling a previously confirmed “reservation on request,” the organizer will charge cancellation costs equivalent to the advance payment made.
  • If the traveler requests to change the departure date of the same arrangement at least 15 days before the previously confirmed departure, and if feasible, the organizer will make the change in the reservation and only charge a handling fee of 10 Euros, as specified in the contract.
  • If the passenger cancels the arrangement before the trip starts due to unforeseen, unavoidable, or uncontrollable reasons (such as illness, injury, death in the immediate family, natural disasters, or similar events), and upon presenting valid confirmation from competent authorities, the cancellation costs according to the specified scale will not apply. Instead, the passenger will only be liable for actual costs resulting from the cancellation of the arrangement, which the organizer must pay without any entitlement to a refund.
  • To protect against unforeseen reasons for canceling the arrangement that may occur between signing the travel contract and the trip’s start, it is recommended that the traveler obtain additional insurance coverage for “cancellation risk of an agreed tourist trip” from an Insurance Company. This insurance policy can be arranged and paid for at the point of sale, together with the actual payment for the arrangement.
  • If the passenger cancels the arrangement after the trip has commenced (during the trip or while at the destination), due to events resulting from “force majeure” (such as military events, acts of terrorism, natural disasters, traffic accidents, or similar incidents), that were unforeseeable, unpreventable, and unavoidable by both the passenger and the organizer, the organizer is not responsible nor obligated to refund funds for unrealized services unless the service provider agrees to and provides a refund.



The organizer is obligated to ensure the implementation of services and carefully select service providers as a responsible organizer, prioritizing the interests of the travelers in accordance with professional tourism principles. The organizer is obliged to provide the traveler with all the services specified for the particular arrangement in the program and bears responsibility for any failure to deliver the services or a part thereof.


The organizer disclaims any responsibility for changes and non-performance of services caused by force majeure or delays in transportation that are not attributable to the carrier under applicable regulations and international conventions.


The travel organizer assumes no responsibility if the diplomatic-consular mission refuses to issue an entry visa or experiences delays in the visa issuance process.


Similarly, the organizer is not responsible if the immigration department of a foreign country denies entry to a specific traveler or for any other consequences resulting from potential malfunctions or loss of the passenger’s travel documents. In such cases, the passenger is responsible for covering any additional costs incurred.



The traveler is personally responsible for ensuring that their documents and belongings meet the requirements stated by the border control, customs, health, and other regulations of their country of origin as well as the destination country.


The passenger must also comply with the rules and regulations set by catering and hotel establishments, as well as transportation providers, and cooperate in good faith with the organizer’s representative and service providers. Failure to comply with these obligations makes the passenger liable for any resulting damages.


Passengers who intentionally disrupt order in facilities or vehicles may be removed from the arrangement.


The traveler must possess a valid passport and inform the organizer in a timely manner if a visa is required for the destination country (or for any countries through which they will transit). It is the traveler’s responsibility to acquire the necessary visa. Additionally, the traveler should familiarize themselves with foreign exchange and customs regulations in both their home country and the countries they will be visiting.


Throughout the entire trip, the passenger is obligated to keep their documents, cash, and personal belongings secure and assumes personal responsibility for them.



The passenger is required to comply with the transportation arrangements and follow the prescribed rules and regulations.


For air travel, passengers should check their flight reservation at the agency no later than 72 hours before departure.


They should contact the airport and proceed to the designated “check-in” and luggage drop-off area at the usual time, which is typically an hour and a half before departure.


Passengers are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the rules and regulations pertaining to air travel (they can contact the agency for more information).


When traveling by bus, passengers must have a valid seat reservation and report to the agency representative at least half an hour before the scheduled departure time.


Passengers should adhere to the regular schedule, respecting other passengers, staff, and traffic safety.


If a passenger fails to comply with departure times, en route stops and rests, or encounters delays at border crossings due to defective travel documents or customs violations, the vehicle is not obliged to wait for the passenger beyond the usual time.



The passenger has the right to free baggage transportation, up to 15 kg on charter flights and 20 kg on regular airline lines.


In bus charter transportation, free luggage of one travel bag (up to 20 kg) per passenger is allowed.


For each kilogram of luggage, i.e. travel bag more than allowed, is paid depending on the travel destination.


Children up to 2 years old on air transport and children who do not pay a ticket on the bus are not entitled to free baggage.


As baggage, it is not allowed to bring commercial goods, food, drinks, drugs, narcotics, chemical agents, weapons, animals, plants, packaging and similar items.


When bringing in and taking out the luggage, the passenger with personal presence is responsible for it.


During the implementation of the arrangement, the passenger takes care of the luggage.


Therefore, we recommend that before the trip, a Travel Insurance policy with luggage insurance is taken out through an insurance company, which can be paid at the agency.


The organizer is not responsible for destroyed or lost luggage, as well as for lost luggage or valuables during the stay at the hotel (we recommend renting a safe at the hotel reception).



The passenger is obligated to seek information from the appropriate health institution and comply with the health regulations specific to the destination country (such as vaccination requirements or health documentation).


In the event of illness or accident during the trip, the passenger is responsible for covering the costs of medical treatment or any necessary medical interventions.


Therefore, we recommend that you obtain Travel Insurance through an Insurance Company, which can be arranged and paid for at the agency, prior to your travel.



If the passenger-renter has not specifically arranged a room or apartment with special characteristics, the passenger will be provided with an officially registered room or apartment for accommodation in the designated facility as described in the catalog and price list. Whenever possible, the organizer will strive to fulfill additional requests for the passenger, regarding comfort, room orientation, floor preference, etc. However, the fulfillment of such requests cannot be guaranteed.


Typically, check-in time for rooms is from 2:00 p.m., and check-out time is until 10:00 a.m. (unless otherwise stated in the house rules).



In case of incomplete, poor or inadequate service delivery performance by the organizer, the passenger has the right to appropriate compensation, solely upon submitting a written complaint to the organizer. Each passenger (signatory) of the agreement has the right to file a complaint based on a service that was not provided.


The organizer will not process group complaints submitted by multiple agreement holders based on a single complaint.

Procedure for submitting a complaint:


  • Immediately on-site, the passenger should report the inadequate service to the organizer’s representative, or if unavailable, to the service provider. The passenger is required to cooperate in good faith with the representative and service provider to resolve the reason for the complaint. If the passenger does not accept the offered solution on-site that corresponds to the paid service, the organizer will not consider any additional complaints from the passenger or provide a response to them.
  • If the reason for the complaint is not resolved, the passenger shall create a written confirmation (minutes) with the representative.
  • No later than 8 days after the conclusion of the arrangement, the traveler shall submit a written complaint at the point of sale where the arrangement was paid for, attaching the signed written confirmation (minutes) from the representative, as well as any receipts for additional costs. The organizer will only consider fully documented complaints submitted within the specified 8-day period.
  • The organizer is obligated to provide a written decision within 14 days of receiving the complaint at the point of sale. The organizer may extend the deadline for resolving the complaint in order to gather information and investigate the specified complaints with the service provider. The organizer will only address complaints for which the underlying reasons could not be resolved at the holiday destination.
  • Until the organizer reaches a decision on the complaint, the passenger waives the involvement of any other person, legal proceedings, or sharing information in the public media.
  • The maximum compensation for a complaint may only apply to the amount related to the portion of the complained services and cannot include services that have already been utilized or the total amount paid for the arrangement. This excludes the buyer’s right to claim “ideal damages.” Violation of the complaint resolution procedure: Failure of the buyer-passenger to adhere to the aforementioned procedure or any disruption of the ongoing process, regardless of the actions taken or not taken in accordance with the fifth provision, may result in the rejection of the complaints, termination of the ongoing process, and filing a lawsuit for compensation of damages and reputational harm against the organizer before the competent authorities.



In accordance with point 13 of these conditions, the buyer of services from a specific program has the right to file a legal complaint against the travel organizer. If the buyer is dissatisfied with the decision of the organizer, they have the right to seek further arbitration and opinion from the court of the CCTM or the competent court in Skopje.







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